Fell off the wagon. Big time.

I slowly but steadily started eating things I shouldn't, so I fell off the wagon, big time. The wagon was the detox diet I did a while ago (no dairy, no sugar, no wheat). I followed it for a month, and it seemed to agree with me. Just that it was very restrictive, and I started by "one little teaspoon with sugar won't mean much" until I found myself eating dulce de leche by the spoonful with chocolate biscuits. Bad mix, and I knew it, but I just couldn't stop.

I think dairy and wheat don't agree with me. I am not sure about sugar, but I remember that after the third day being sugar-free, I didn't have any cravings. It's time to go back, and it's hard. I need all my willpower, especially having kids (and it's not their fault that their mom can't have such delicious stuff as chocolate and dulce de leche), and therefore having a lot of stuff I shouldn't eat in my cupboards.

I know I can do it if I put my mind to it. I know how to apply EFT on my cravings, and I know that I can redirect my thinking to something else. I can do this. Then why I am not? Why am I letting my taste buds rule? What's the point on eating something that tastes heavenly if I know I will feel like hell later? I have asked myself that question on my sane moments, but when I am PMSing, for example, and I "have to have" that chocolate piece or that amazingly looking brownies, every rational thought goes out of the window and my inner saboteur wins once more.

I need to make a commitment. A decision. A burning desire of conquering these migraines. I will start anew tomorrow, another month of detox, and see where it takes me. I had too many this last two weeks, and no chocolate chip cookie is worth it.

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