Desert wind

We, the exclusive group of people who suffer from migraines, are super sensitive. Sensitive to the effects of alcohol, chocolate, stress ... Extra sleep time throws us out of balance, reduce sleeping time does the same....and let's not talk about skipping meals!

As if all those were not enough, we must also add weather changes to the list, since they can also trigger migraines. For example, yesterday in Israel we had "obej", a kind of desert wind with sand and dust that is very annoying for everyone, but especially for allergy sufferers. Out of curiosity, I googled "sandstorm-migraine relationship" to see if there is any connection. And I found this:

"So-called ill wind also triggers headaches and migraine among many people. The howling wind and the rattling of windows and shutters gets on your nerves. Warm, hot and very dry mountain and desert winds dry out the mucus membranes, irritate the airways and ionize the air. The populations of Alpine nations go crazy with headache and migraine when their föhn wind descends from the mountains, as do North Americans on chinook days, Israelis when the sharav blows and Australians on days with easterlies, westerlies or northerlies, depending on which part of the coast they live. " So apparently the wind can also trigger migraines, and what I had yesterday was a "climate migraine". And here the "obej" continues ...

I'm not consistent

One of the things that cost me is to be consistent. For example in writing this blog - my last post was over a year! And the same happens with the resolutions, things that make me feel well, exercise .... I start with the best intentions but they ate soon forgotten.
Last year wasn't easy for me: both my dad and my grandma passed away. I was very pleased to end 2014 and welcome 2015. And daddy, gran: I miss you both.

Back to my migraines, I wish I could write that I am cured, but unfortunately they continue to bug me. I have a few each month, and not only around "these days". So I have to begin anew my search for what triggers them, make a few changes and accept some things.

In the book of Louise Hay "You can heal your life" it says that the metaphysical cause of migraines is "Aversion to be handled and resistance to flow of life." And somehow it doesn't sound so crazy! In recent years I have made but also resisted quite a few changes: country, house, rhythm ... So, I think I need to learn how to slow down, relax a little and think less.

I also read that people who suffer from migraines have certain features/tendencies. I do not know if other migraineurs agree with this, but I identified myself with the following ones:

• Tendency to feel guilty • Doing things to avoid conflict and "keep peace" • Taking things to heart • Tendency to seek perfection in situations and things • Having difficulty saying "no" and trying to do too much

So, I also need to love myself a bit (a lot) more, be more considerate with myself, and accept my limitations and my own time/pace.

What about you? Do you relate? I love to read your comments :)

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